HomeSuiteHome is a family-operated Calgary based
company specializing in the
rental of inner city
homes. We take pride in being able
to provide a personal touch. We
have a keen appreciation of
heritage character homes, and
strive to preserve and restore
these homes to their former glory.
We manage a number of rental
properties, some of which are
heritage character homes, and some
of which are modern. These
properties are in inner city
neighbourhoods such as:
Mission/Cliff Bungalow, Marda
Loop/Altadore, Sunnyside,
Hillhurst, West Hillhurst,
Bridgeland, Stanley Park/Parkhill.
These rentals include suites in
multiple unit homes, and executive
Some of the properties we
manage are undergoing a long-term
process of preservation and
restoration. As a tenant, if you
are handy or a tradesperson, we
may be able to come to a mutually
beneficial arrangement. Please see
our link: For